Minkam- UT AFS
Animal Mineral Mixture- MINKAM UT AFS
Product Description
MINKAM-UT An Area Specific Mineral Mixture for Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand to increase the productivity of cattle. A quality product Researched & Developed by Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar & Licensed Technology Transferred By National Research Development Corporation, New Delhi (Patented). Fortified with Vitamins (A ,E & D3) & Probiotics.
- Increase milk production, helps in bone formation
- Increases body weight,
- Microfine for best absorption & free from bacterial contamination. Rich nutritional content
- Improves reproductive performance & fertility
Mineral Mixture with Vitamin
Mineral mixture with vitamins & probiotics to increase the productivity of animals researched & developed at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (I.V.R.I).
- Minkam-UT a research product of IVRI to increase productivity
- It is Micro fined best absorption & free from bacterial contamination
- It is the best combination of Minerals, Vitamins & Probiotics
- It helps in bone formation, muscular and neural functions of the animals
- Animal comes in to heat regularly
- It increases the working power of animals
- Animals get better feed conversion and nutrients
Directions for use
- For large animals: 50 gm per animals to be mixed with feed
- For small animals: 25-30 gm to be mixed with feed
- Infeed: 1-2%
Packing Available in
500 gm, 1 kg, 5 kg., 10 kg. -Poly Bags